This is what I feed my ears!
A giant list of all the podcasts in my rotation!
Comic Geek Speak - LINK
Comics Connection/Comics Experience Make Comics Podcast -
Comic Timing -
Fire and Water Podcast - LINK
iFanboy - LINK
20 Thousand Hertz -
99% Invisible -
American Masters (PBS) -
Atlas Obscura -
Bullseye w/ Jesse Thorn -
Design Matters w/ Debbie Millman -
How Do You Like It So Far? -
In Our Time (BBC Radio 4) -
Philosophy Bites -
Pod Stallions -
Poemtalk @ The Writer's House (Penn) -
Pop Culture Happy Hour -
Radiolab -
Reinvention Project (Jim Rome) -
The Retroist -
Revisionist History -
Shaped by Dog w/ Susan Garrett -
Sidedoor (Smithsonian) -
Slate Culture Podcast -
Smarty Pants -
Stuff to Blow Your Mind -
Stuff You Missed in History Class -
Stuff You Should Know -
This American Life -
The World in Time w/ Lewis Lapham -
WTF w/ Marc Maron -
You Are Not So Smart -
A24 Podcast -
Art of the Cut -
Austin Film Festival's On Story -
Battleship Pretension -
The Business -
The Cinematography Podcast -
The Directors Cut (DGA) -
Empire Film Podcast -
Fade Out (Fire & Water Network) -
The Filmcast (formerly slash) -
Film Comment -
Film @ Lincoln Center -
Filmspotting -
Film Threat -
Gentleman's Guide to Midnight Cinema -
Hollywood Babble-On (SMOD, Kevin Smith) -
Indiewire's Filmmaker Toolkit -
In the Envelope: The Actor's Podcast -
Maltin on Movies -
The Movies That Made Me -
The Next Picture Show -
No Film School Podcast -
On Writing (WGA East) -
The Plot Thickens -
Pure Cinema Podcast (New Beverly) -
Q&A w/ Jeff Goldsmith -
Reel Blend -
Scriptnotes (August & Mazin) -
Sound of Cinema (BBC) -
Soundtracking w/ Edith Bowman -
Stagecraft w/ Gordon Cox -
Talking Pictures -
Team Deakins -
The Town w/ Matthew Belloni -
The Treatment w/ Elvis Mitchell -
The Video Archives Podcast (Tarantino/Avary) -
The Writers Panel (Ben Blacker) -
You Must Remember This (Karina Longworth) -
Abstract Science (WLUW) -
All of the Above Radio, In the Cut (KPFK) -
A Strangely Isolated Place -
Classic Album Sundays (Cosmo Murphy) -
DJ History -
Dollar Country -
Downtown Soulville -
Funky 16 Corners -
Headphone Commute -
Henry Rollins (KCRW) -
Honky Tonk Radio Girl (WFMU) -
Iron Leg Radio -
John's Old-time Radio Show -
LIve on KEXP -
Low Light Mixes -
Music for Programming -
Nick Nice: Pod-o-licious -
Polyvinyl Craftsman -
Sinners Crossroads (WFMU) -
Six Million Steps -
Solid Steel -
Song Exploder -
Soul Music (BBC4) -
Sound and Vision (KEXP) -
Soundcheck (WNYC) -
Sound Opinions -
Take It Personal -
Testify! w/ Larry Grogan (WFMU) -
That Driving Beat -
Creative Control (Fast Company) -
The Economist (daily) -
Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders (Stanford) -
538 Politics Podcast -
Freakonomics -
HBR Ideacast -
Mediascape (USC Annenberg) -
Prof G Pod w/ Scott Galloway -
Slate Money -
Slate Political Gabfest -
Start Making Sense (The Nation) -
Under the Influence (Terry O' Reilly, CBC) -
Yeah, That's Probably an Ad (AdWeek) -
30 for 30 (ESPN) -
Beating the Book w/ Gill Alexander (VISN) -
Bet the Edge (NBC Sports) -
Effectively Wild (Fangraphs) -
The Favorites (Action Network) -
The Football Analytics Show -
Jim Rome's Daily Jungle -
MKE Journal-Sentinal Packers Podcast -
Packers Unscripted (GB Press-Gazette) -
Ross Tucker Podcast -
SI Media w/ Jimmy Traina -
Sports Media w/ Richard Deitsch -
AIAS Game Maker's Notebook -
The Future of Everything (Stanford) -
This Week in Tech -